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Welcome to iSparkle Knect

...connecting to the world

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. iSparkle Knect serves as a vessel to project my passions and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

Man with Book
Piles of Books
Woman Typing
Woman Writing
Notebook and Pen

Spoiler Alert

Writer: iSparkle KnectiSparkle Knect

Based on the book “the impossible” by Joyce Smith

“Patient died Mother prayed Patient came back to life” – Dr. Kent Sutterer

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. I can’t get this tears to stop. “Breakthrough” is a must watch! I don’t even know where to begin. I came across the trailer on twitter few weeks ago and I felt so emotionally connected already and I was like “why haven’t I watched this movie yet”, yeah those where my exact words and immediately I downloaded it and watched it. It made me cry.

The movie was based on a true-life story and written by the character herself. The movie taught me hard lesson about the test of faith. A talented young boy was opportune to get a second chance at life which seemed medically impossible. It was a ‘miracle’ the doctors said. It gives me goosebumps as I’m writing at the moment. The movie taught me how far our faith can take us when we encounter tribulation and how sometimes no matter how hard we try to rectify a problem or control its outcome; it’s just isn’t ours to deal with in the first place. We best surrender it to God. A mother’s faith brought a dead boy back to life, made a miracle and touch the lives of those who didn’t believe in the amazing grace of God. Plus, the sound tracks were ‘lit’. Take a cue from me, watching ‘breakthrough’ shook a part of my person and I want to explore a newness of my level of trust in God. Please and please, do watch it and thank me later. I will make time out before summer ends to read the book, I can imagine the chills that will give me too.

Visit the link below to our YouTube channel for the trailer.





Power voices of wonderful people across the learnt and breath of the world.

"The visionary is the one who brings his or her voice into the world and refuses to edit, rehearse, perform or hide. It is the visionary who knows that the power of creativity is aligned with authenticity."-Angeles Arrien.

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