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Welcome to iSparkle Knect

...connecting to the world

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. iSparkle Knect serves as a vessel to project my passions and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

Man with Book
Piles of Books
Woman Typing
Woman Writing
Notebook and Pen

Band-Wagon Effect

Writer: iSparkle KnectiSparkle Knect

Band-Wagon Effect

The world seems to have gone wonky. We now live in the era where friendships becomes fawn ships, where sisterhood and brotherhood become bitches and thugs association, where soft drinks become vodka, where candy sweets become cigarettes. The skew-whiff of the 21st century is fast putting the word in disarray. We are now conforming to the patterns of this world. The world has set a standard for everything achievable. We see young ladies going nude to please the gram, standards where 1000likes is not enough to be noticeable or popular, we see ripped jeans and slag trousers over taking the fashion industry and we are calling it “trend”. Church girls are becoming harlots and slots calling it “small girls with big God”. Gone are the days were tramadol and l…were for remedial and therapeutic purposes. Gone are the days were the only struggle was to pass math’s test, now we struggle to attain 1 million followers and get a blue-check verification. Gone are the days the best tv shows and movies were….s Gone are the days where the clubs were drama, jet, fashion, now we know them to be bar joint and high-life clubs, associations to get wasted. Gone are the days were friendly hugs and handshake used to be all cute, till they extended to sex. The days were we value family devotion and gatherings, now we have gang association’s a.k.a “Yoruba demons gang”. The innocent looking teenagers of primary school are now the Slay mamas of our generation, our pastors children now evangelizing cocaine and heroine, our most likely to be successful head boy and head girl are now successful only on Instagram and twitter. Decent dressing are now termed old-fashion, Hmmm, what a world indeed!

We grew up way to brisk and disregarded the values we were taught and became self-indulgent. We viewed our younger days as antiquated and out of date. We are now engulfed in the “bandwagon effect”. Many today struggle to coalesced or to fit into this association and the inability to meet up to their standards has cause more than 50% of the depression we have in this world. Because of how frantic and avarice we have become in being noticed and “celebritalized”, we are gradually destroying ourselves and the world we should be building up. We are the next generation, actually the present generation of trailblazers, pathfinder, pioneers and great inventors. A square shape can never fit into a triangular opening. You can never fit into where you don’t belong. Set the standard for your life, don’t let social media and the world induce into your mentality that you can only be great or be loved if you are to follow in their path. Be your own self and let them follow you instead. Be different.





Power voices of wonderful people across the learnt and breath of the world.

"The visionary is the one who brings his or her voice into the world and refuses to edit, rehearse, perform or hide. It is the visionary who knows that the power of creativity is aligned with authenticity."-Angeles Arrien.

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