There comes a point you disengage your-self from some certain vibes that are not in line with God’s plan for your life. Relationships that drains you of your happiness, time and self-esteem are not worth holding on to. Many of us hold-on to some relationships all because we don’t want to seem weak, some because of our vulnerable emotions. No reason is enough for you to stay broken, you shouldn’t keep housing someone that doesn’t appreciate your self-worth, that doesn’t support your self-goals and feed you positively.
Our human nature, at least over 60% fail to prioritize their self-health and progress. We are clueless of the long-run effect of this. We are so use to seeking self-validation from the world that whether be it positive or negative we let it define us. Growing watching series of fashion shows, reading lifestyle magazines and social media influence I started body shamming myself. I was opinionated with the fact that I wasn’t beautiful, I felt really ugly. This was because of the standards in which the world had defined beauty. I didn’t prioritize my self-health, I was hell bent that those models and celebs were the true definition of beauty and my inability to live up to that expectation was somewhat killing me slowly. We have to let go things that give us reasons to meet up a certain level of expectation. Many of us live insecure lives all because we feel we are not enough or incapable, let go that thought I tell you. You’re not perfect, which is fine and absolutely ok, the more you keep housing the “perfectionist” school of thought which states that you must be perfect to be accepted, then only will you be drowning.
My roommate once felt her body wasn’t in her word “not beautiful” and I asked her why, she told me this and that about how she was too small for her age, how her skin tone was just not right, how her hair was breaking and a host of other things I personally couldn’t see there. I told her she should let go of those thoughts. Being that we lived in a female hostel were she got to see different shades of beauty in other people she began to under value hers. I told her that imperfection is what makes one beautiful. To her I was only trying to be motivate her. Yes, but I wasn’t lying either. Your hair will never be has sleek as you want it, your skin will never be take a perfect shade, if your genetic make-up is a stout, you will stay short and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. The economists are right when they say human wants are insatiable, human will never be pleased even when they get the maximum, they will desire more of beauty, clothes and the likes. I told her to wear her imperfection as an amour and be confident in the way she was created.
Bad energy, thoughts, vibes are everywhere, it is our ability to let go all these and look past them all. The long-run effect would be a good health, high self-esteem and a bliss-full life. Don’t miss out of a great-life all because you keep hosting negative thoughts about yourself or you keep holding on to a self-damaging relationship. You deserve more.